Pro Victims Justice through an Enhanced Rights Protection and Stakeholders Cooperation
Protecting victims of crime – PRO VICTIMS JUSTICE PROJECT 760112
Strengthening victims’ position in the justice framework through exchange of the best practices and transfer of expertize as well as cross-border networking. During the project, the partners will design and promote tools, ensuring that victims of violence receive assistance and know their rights when accessing the justice systems.
Research Methodology:
Desktop research: analysis of legislation and statistic, national actions plans, concerning the strategies in each country to protect victims of crimes, victims of illegal acts, such as gender based violence, domestic violence, hate crimes, sexual crimes, human trafficking and terrorism.
Landespräventionsrat Niedersachen am Justizministerium Niedersachen, Germany Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers, Sweden Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria Uniunea Nationala a Barourilor din Romania, Romania ASOCIATA PRO REFUGIU, Romania